
How to Create a Wallpaper with Technology Text Effect in Photoshop

Create a beautiful text effect and trendy wallpaper on your desktop in cyberpunk style. In this tutorial, we will mainly apply a lot visual effects, adjustment layers and will work with the text. I’ll tell you how to create hi-tech shapes, texture of pixellated camouflage, sound wave and much more. And all of effects you can create your own in Photoshop and Illustrator. Tools, blending modes, a little routine, creativity, adventures and an excellent result at the end waiting for you on the pages of of this tutorial. Read this tutorial and see how easy it is!

What you’ll be creating

In this tutorial, we will create different effects and working with text. First we create a background, abstract shapes in Adobe Illustrator, create texture of pixellated camouflage and a few more interesting effects. Then we write the text and work with layer masks to transform it. Next we add effects to text. In the final part I will show you how to create a sound wave, and we add a little detail and a little correction. This tutorial focuses more on work with effects and creative approach to ordinary things. And I hope it will be of interesting as for beginners and advanced users. You need to download my cherished created and collected a set of textures and all sorts of useful things, a little logic, good mood and be sure to have Photoshop beginning with CS version.


Tutorial Resources

Step 1

Create a new document via Cmd/Ctrl + N or File > New at 1920 pixels wide and 1200 pixels height, resolution 200 Pixels/Inch. You can change the size of the document specifically for your monitor.


Step 2

Create gradient fill layer (Layer > New Fill Layer > Gradient… or use “Create new fill or adjustment layer” icon at the bottom of Layer panel). Set default Black & White gradient and change color of left slider to #182b46 and for right set color #000000, Style: Radial, Scale: 120%. It will be the main light spot and focus point.


Step 3

Place cardboard texture into working document via File > Place…/Place Embedded. In Free Transform mode (Cmd/Ctrl +T or Edit > Free Transform) increase the size quite a bit. Hit Enter/Return to apply changes. Change layer Blending Mode to “Multiply” and reduce Opacity to 70%, Fill to 75%.


Step 4

To vary the texture and create volume I use cloud layer. Set Foreground/Background colors to default (D), create a new layer (Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + N or use ‘Create a new layer” icon at the bottom of layer panel). Go to Filter > Render > Clouds… Change layer Blending Mode to “Color Dodge” and reduce Opacity to 25%.


Step 5

Now add some text to the background. We are creating a hacker wallpaper. So take a Vertical Type Tool (T) set font to “Arial Regular” with Font size: 9pt and color #00ffd8 and use “Center text” alignment. Create a text field for a little less than the size of the working field and then the fun starts to enter any text. Suffice it to type letters, symbols and capital letter. Just type something strange with a bunch of different characters, as shown in the image below.


Step 6

Make a two copies of this layer (Cmd/Ctrl + J or Layer > Duplicate layer…). Change some of the text in the copies of the text to be varied. Try to have each letter has been under letter from the previous layers. Change layer Blending Mode of this layers to “Overlay” and group them (Cmd/Ctrl + G). Set for group Opacity: 40%, Fill: 50%.


Step 7

Now create texture of pixellated camouflage. I thought it would look interesting and stylish. For create this I used Adobe Illustrator CC. If you can not have Illustrator or do not want to waste time, just use your favorite shape from pack and go to Step 12. In this few steps I told you how to create interesting abstract shapes in Illustrator. Open Adobe Illustrator and create a new document with Width: 1920, Height: 1200, Raster Effects: 300ppi.


Step 8

Take a Rectangle Tool (M). Set for Fill and Stroke the same color (in my case is black but you can use any color). Draw rectangles an abstract shape like in image bellow. There are no rules, or exact match. You can create your own version of which will be better than mine. The main thing is the principle.


Step 9

Select all rectangles with Selection Tool (V) make a right click > Group or go to Object > Group. Create a brush from this figure. Go to Brush panel (Window > Brushes) and click on list icon at the bottom of Brush panel. In widow that appear set “Art Brush” and hit OK. Now you need set up you’re brush.


In the settings window, set the following new brush settings – Brush Scale Options: “Stretch to Fit Stroke Length”, Direction: “Stroke From Left to Right”, Colorization: Tints, Overlap: “Adjust corners and folds to prevent overlaps” and click OK to apply settings.


Step 10

Delete abstract shape and draw rectangle (Rectangle Tool (M)) 514.378 pt Width and 315.584 pt Height. Select rectangle and apply art brush (just click on on the desired brush). Experiment with the size of the rectangle and brush. In exactly this way are created with abstract circles in Hi-Tech form (as you probably guessed the basis is Ellipse Tool (L)). You can also create more brushes and each new brush will give a completely different form.


Step 11

When you’re happy with the result and decide to continue photo manipulation with the desired figure copy this shape (Cmd/Ctrl + C or go to Edit > Copy), open Photoshop and paste it (Edit > Paste or Cmd/Ctrl + V) in working document.


Step 12

To adjust the color and size of the figure, I advise you to paste this shape as “Shape Layer”. With Free Transform Tool (Cmd/Ctrl +T or Edit > Free Transform) play around with the size and position of the figure to find interesting piece (I personally only slightly increased the size). Be sure to set Fill and Stroke color to black (you can adjust shape with Rectangle Tool (U)). If you use a shape from my set do not forget to add “Stroke”, otherwise you will get a slightly different shape.


Step 13

Convert shape to Smart Object (right – click on layer > Convert to Smart Object or go to Layer > Smart Objects > Convert to Smart Object) and Set Blending Mode “Soft Light”, Opacity: 50%, Fill: 50%.


Step 14

Now play around with filters. First, transform abstract shapes into pixellated camouflage. A little experimenting I chose this option because it supports the atmosphere of the picture. So, go to Filter > Stylize > Tiles. Set Number Of Tiles to 10 and Maximum Offset to 10%, Fill Empty Area With: “Inverse Image”. You can also continue playing with filters to find interesting look.


The post How to Create a Wallpaper with Technology Text Effect in Photoshop appeared first on Photoshop Tutorials.

from Photoshop Tutorials
How to Create a Wallpaper with Technology Text Effect in Photoshop Reviewed by arie on Thursday, July 02, 2015 Rating: 4.5